Thursday, November 03, 2005

Wanted: A feed module for iPhoto

While iTunes does a decent job of managing MP3 enclosures in news feeds (pod-casts), iPhoto could really do with similar functionality. I have my iBook randomly choose images from an album in my iPhoto library and it would be fantastic if I could get iPhoto to automatically download pictures from some of the fantastic sources on the 'net. Sites like Botany Photo of the Day provide some amazing images.

I'll see if I can figure out how to do this over the summer as my first piece of mac software.
I had a quick go at knocking this up with Automator, but it didn't work very well as I can't seem to get Safari to extract the image URLs from an XML feed and most interesting sites have a bunch of junk images as well (Flickr, for example, has heaps and heaps of blank GIFs for spacing).

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